Personal Money Manager

Built a SMART financial dashboard with the following features:

  • Interactive and dynamic dashboard
  • Easy to use and user-friendly interface
  • Fast adding records and accepts 1M+ transaction records
  • Envelope system distribution display on very nice charts
  • Accumulated wealth (balance/cash on hand) tracker on year-to-date basis
  • Monthly, multi-month selection, and year-to-date report period
  • Manage sub-categories if the default category do not work for you
  • Month over Month (current month vs. previous month) variance analysis
  • List of Expenses by sub-category with interactive category filtering and insights
  • Envelope budgeting user's input. See: settings tab > Envelope table
  • Covers one (1) year budgeting
  • Proprietary algorithm for SMART Financial Advisor

To fully experience the future, download the Excel data by clicking on the download icon located above.

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Philippines, Iloilo City

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