Personal Budget Manager

  • Interactive and dynamic dashboard
  • Easy to use and user-friendly interface
  • Fast adding records and accepts 1M+ transaction records
  • Envelope system distribution display on very nice charts
  • Tracked (vs budget) with interactive filtering between budget, income, expenses and savings
  • Interactive sub-category filtering and insights with a ranking list of Income, Expenses, and Savings from highest to lowest.
  • Covers 10 years of budget planning, providing an accumulated period tracking balance.
  • Envelope Budgeting with Customizable Categories: Plan your budget according to your unique needs with our envelope budgeting feature.
  • Monthly, yearly, and current year reports are available, as well as a report for the current month.
  • Late Monthly Income Features: Treat late income received on or after a certain day of month as income for the next month.
  • KPI calculated Dashboard

To fully experience the future, download the Excel data by clicking on the download icon located above.

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Philippines, Iloilo City

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