Sari-Sari Store | Overview

Unveiling Insights and Driving Success with Comprehensive Data Analysis and Visualization


  • As part of the course "SP201: Essential Excel Skills for Data Preparation and Analysis" from SPARTAPH, the participants were presented with a real-world data analysis scenario.
  • The objective of the scenario was to create an interactive and visually appealing dashboard that would provide valuable insights into financial data.


  • To accomplish this, the participants were required to perform various data preparation and analysis tasks using Excel and Power Pivot.
  • The specific tasks included:
    1. Aling Lala, a business owner, had a set of sales data that needed to be cleaned and transformed into a dashboard using Power Pivot.
    2. Answering specific questions based on the sales data:
      1. How much was her total sales in 30 days?
      2. What item did she sell the most?
      3. What item should Aling Lala stock up on daily?
      4. What day did she sell the most variety of items?
      5. What item can she add or remove to increase her average daily earnings?
      6. Does she need to get other data to get insights?


  • To tackle the tasks, participants took the following actions:
  • Data Cleaning and Preparation:
    • Importing the raw sales data into Excel and Power Pivot.
    • Checking for missing values, duplicates, and inconsistent data to ensure data quality.
    • Creating calculated columns or measures.
  • Total Sales Calculation:
    • Creating a measure in Power Pivot to calculate the total sales amount for the 30-day period.
  • Best Selling Item:
    • Creating a measure to calculate the total sales for each item.
    • Using a visualization (e.g., bar chart) to identify the item with the highest sales.
  • Stock Replenishment:
    • Calculating the average daily sales for each item.
    • Identifying the item with the highest average daily sales.
    • Suggesting Aling Lala stock up on this item daily to meet demand.
  • Variety of Items Sold:
    • Creating a measure to count the number of unique items sold on each day.
    • Using a visualization (e.g., line chart) to identify the day with the highest item variety.
  • Increase Average Daily Earnings:
    • Calculating the average daily earnings for each item.
    • Identifying the item with the lowest average daily earnings.
    • Suggesting adding or removing this item to improve the overall average daily earnings.
  • Insights and Additional Data:
    • Evaluating the current dataset to determine if it contains all the necessary information for analysis.
    • Identifying any data gaps that may prevent deeper insights.
    • If required, recommending collecting additional data to gain more meaningful insights.


  • By following the STAR method and applying essential Excel skills, the participants successfully cleaned and transformed the sales data into an interactive dashboard using Power Pivot.
  • They provided valuable insights to Aling Lala, the business owner, on her total sales, best-selling item, stock replenishment strategies, and more.
  • The project demonstrated their proficiency in data preparation and analysis, showcasing their ability to create effective financial dashboards for real-world scenarios using EXCEL.


Philippines, Iloilo City

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