Financial Bank Loan Dashboard

Unveiling Insights and Driving Success with Comprehensive Data Analysis and Visualization


During a project, I encountered a scenario where a financial institution was struggling to gain insights into their loan portfolio's health, risks, and composition. Existing reporting methods were inefficient and lacked a comprehensive overview.


My task was to design and develop a solution that would streamline loan data analysis, improve accessibility for stakeholders, and deliver actionable insights for informed decision-making.


I leveraged Power BI to create a custom dashboard, strategically divided into three key sections:

Executive Summary:

  • Designed a high-level overview showcasing key performance indicators (KPIs) like loan volume, funded amounts, repayment rates, and interest rates. This offered a snapshot of the portfolio's overall health and financial performance.

Risk Assessment:

  • Developed a risk assessment section analyzing "good" vs. "bad" loans to identify potential risk concentrations and areas needing attention. This involved defining clear criteria for loan quality and visualizing the distribution of good and bad loans along with relevant financial metrics.

Detailed Loan Portfolio Analysis:

  • Created a detailed loan portfolio analysis section, serving as a comprehensive database. This allowed for the exploration of individual loan details, tracking of loan status, and analysis of various performance metrics. The aim was to empower users to conduct in-depth research, identify trends, and make data-driven decisions regarding lending strategies.


The Power BI dashboard I created transformed how the institution managed its loan portfolio. It provided:

  • A user-friendly interface accessible to stakeholders of varying technical expertise.
  • Immediate access to critical insights, enabling proactive risk management and faster, more informed decision-making.
  • A granular view of the portfolio, facilitating targeted interventions and strategic adjustments to lending practices.
  • A significant reduction in the time and effort required for loan data analysis, leading to increased efficiency and productivity.


Philippines, Iloilo City

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